After Words: Writings > Poetry > Computer Poem
[After Words]

Endless Looping Hunger

Grant oh Lord
a protein large enough
to fill a child's belly
North to South
and East to West and
If successful
Goto End
Otherwise Begin Again

: End
Thank you Lord
For all these endless years
Of suffering.

Let Fname be a Name

Let Fname be a name
Be any name and
Fname cast a gender shadow
from it.

Let Fname say
: I love you,
Love you Fname two.

If Fname shadow one is equal
shadow Fname two
Then murder rage
And rage
and Holy men
shout out their praise
of God's great hands
with fingernails that can't be cleaned
of blood
And shout and shout until
the Fname understands
That gender shadows must not equal
if loving loving as I do

If ever God
(with Fname gendered just as others)
is found in loving man
then goto End
If not then go
I love you

: End
Is when
God can come to love
The man within
And, murder over,
Love himself
and so, love us
and let us love.
    The End
        Less End

Obsessive Love

I  : Begin
    I love you
    I love you
    Go Begin

    : End

Obsessive Doubt

II  : Begin
    I love you
    I love you
    Listen for a sound.
    If a sound is heard
    I love you
    Go Me2
    Go Begin

    : Me2
    You Do?

    Go Me2
    : End

Obsessession Resolution

III :Begin
I love you
I love you
Listen for a sound.
If a sound is heard
"I love you,"
Go Me2
                        (say I Love You)
You Do?

If a sound is heard
"I do"
Go to Grasping
Go Me2
                        (Say I do)
I love you more
But I love you
You do?
Do you?
Add one and remember
When memory is 3 Go Next
Otherwise Go Grasping

Oh God.
I want to touch you.
Touch me.
Touch you? There?
There, not there.
Oh God.
Oh God.
Go Gasping.

© 1996, Will Kirkland


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